The Agnelli Family (Black Nobility) and their many associates within the European Royal families have been working towards global governance since Rome supposedly 'fell'. They have had some relatively recent devotees like Rockefeller, Rothschild and Maurice Strong who performed designated roles, but they were not the originators of the Climate Change ruse or the Great Reset.

It was King Charles III who announced the Great Reset and was acknowledged to be a co-author by Klaus Schwab but even King Charles was only following in his parents' footsteps.


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Great piece.

Every dystopian organization has an origin story. The Club of Rome = Wealthy Malthusian cultists.

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Excellent summation. It amazes me how they put lipstick on the pig, (Agenda 21) by calling it "Growth Management Act", and all the cities and counties across America adopted these onerous regulations to restrict and confiscate private property rights and the damn fools all pat themselves on the back for the good job they are doing!

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Excellent, great for sharing, very useful, thank you!!

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The fact that there are not 100,000 comments and lightbulbs switching on here indicate both Huxley's BNW and Orwell's 1984 were providential. Lockdowns gave me time for my own little reset - reading more. The mRNA experiment gave me a strong Wrongthink reaction and even more time to read because of unemployment; I thank all those medically credentialed coalmine canaries snuffed out of the media by the psychosis industrial complex. Note that news about medical harm is beginning to be allowed.

Meanwhile fiat currency, fiat representatives, and fiat diplomacy continue; this week we have consent manufacturing to move F-16s into the Ukrainian disaster, US Senators being issued with satellite phones because the cellphone grid is at risk (hint - ATMs and other payment points use that grid), and Pacific Island governments choosing sides; the Solomon Islands chose Chyna and Papua New Guinea chose USA. IMHO, all simply more 'red flags' that war is coming; ocean energy and food supply lanes will stop first. Just as Titanic lacked enough life boats, Oil/Gas/Ore/Grain tankers lack surface and submarine escorts, and there is no hiding them from satellites. That is perhaps the strategic thinking underneath the effort to decentralize the electricity grid by, for example, installing solar panels on every factory, shop and home. Climate alarmism is likely the biggest Intel cover story in history. Economic Security is National Security.

Elon Musk is a prepper; he has tweeted about depopulation intrigues and he also said a colony on Mars would be insurance for the Human Species in the event that Earth is terminated by war. Presumably the Google Earth Streetview files are already archived underground somewhere for future educational purposes. Many museums, galleries, Houses of Parliament, and at least one of the Roths child mansions (Tring) has its interior on Google view already. Strange coincidence. (The very strange Dame Miriam, nature lover, vegan, deviant activist, and BFF of Charles 3rd, grew up there). Cultural Security is National Security.

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This is a great write up. Kofi?

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I have a feeling that the "current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, which involve high meat consumption, excessive reliance on frozen and convenience foods, extensive use of fossil fuels, widespread use of appliances, air-conditioning in homes and workplaces, and suburban housing," might still be allowed for the even-more-affluent wealthy elite class...

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Great piece Lily. Very informative.

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